Don’t Laugh Over Spilled Milk

In this episode, also known as The Cow per the title page, Gralen and his son Jessy go to a farm to practice their milking skills.  And once again, poor Gralen is humiliated and laughed at by his loved one and a total stranger when he gets on the bad side of a mischievous cow.

If I were Gralen, I probably wouldn’t ever leave the house.  Being that he is a T-Rex, you’d think he’d get a bit more respect from others.  Well, he could always eat the ones who humiliate him, I guess.  Starting with that cow.  Hamburgers anyone?



Sax and Violins

Okay, so the title of this posting is a slightly overused pun.  But it does fit in with the theme of this week’s Gralen And Jeddy cartoon.  And it is a bit more clever than the actual title of the cartoon, which is, simply, “Movie”.

In it, Gralen reveals his level of maturity, and probably also his gender, by closing his eyes when the movie’s yucky kissing scene comes on, but has his eyes glued to the screen when the shooting starts up.  If you were ever a young boy, you can probably relate.



Wagon Pain

Ok, you may or may not get the reference of the title in this installment of Gralen & Jeddy(or in this case, just “Gralen”), but there was a television show called “Wagon Train”, which I never watched, as it was a little before my time but I do remember hearing the title.  
Add to that that Gralen is being a “pain” in this one, and there you have the above title.  Sometimes thinking up a good title is really hard.  And in this case darn near impossible for some reason.

But on to the cartoon.

Isn’t it bad enough that poor little ants get stepped on, sprayed, eaten by…, well… anteaters, and generally get the short end of the stick in life.  But to then get chased off of your wagon by a talking dinosaur who’s laughing as you run off, without your wagon, is really a low blow.

Apparently Gralen has never met one of those giant ants from the movie “Them!”, or else he wouldn’t be so mean to them.  I haven’t met any of them, either.  Though some of the carpenter ants I’ve seen in the house can get pretty close.GralenWagonAntsEdit

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Comic Strip

I love this one.  It is so silly and makes no sense whatsoever, but that is what makes it funny to me.

I have long forgotten what in the heck I was thinking when I drew it, or what joke I was trying to make in it.  You’ll notice that Gralen’s friend Galen is not a dinosaur in this one and is more ape-like, which is more appropriate since I “borrowed” his name from The Planet Of the Apes movies and series.

I also borrowed from that franchise for my imaginary friend, who was named “Galen” and was of course, a talking ape.  At times, and to the annoyance of my brothers, I would “become” Galen and walk around with my arms curled up like a praying mantis in front of me, talking about the world I came from until I sensed that they had had enough, then Galen would conveniently leave and I would return to… uh, normal.  Or as close as I could get to it.


There’s the signpost up ahead. Your next stop… confusion.

Talk about The Twilight Zone, this episode has just about everything turned upside-down and inside out.  From Gralen being Jeddy’s little brother, to the fact that Jeddy is not a boy like he is in most Gralen And Jeddy cartoons, but in this one he’s a dinosaur.  Add to that Gralen’s friend Galen is not a talking ape(I got the name from, of course, The Planet Of The Apes) as he is in other episodes, but he is also a dinosaur.

Then there is the issue of the big nostrils drawn on the characters.  More like ones you would see on teddy bears.  If teddy bears were dinosaurs. And I won’t even go into those arms of Gralen and Jeddy that look like flippers on the title page.

If I didn’t know better, I would think one of my 3 dastardly brothers, or my 1 dastardly sister, infiltrated my little cartoon world and drew their own Gralen And Jeddy cartoon.  But still, the writing looks like mine, so unless my dastardly siblings are also dastardly master forgers, it looks like that theory goes right out the window.

The cartoon also has my weird sense of humor, or maybe in this case, my no sense of humor.  So from whoever made it, here it is.



Airplane A-Tack

No, this episode of Gralen And Jeddy isn’t about an airline hijacking or anything like that.

This is one of those episodes I have referred to in previous posts, where our main characters have a laugh at their hapless victims’ expense.  Sometimes the unfortunate jokee is one of those main characters, but in this one the victim is just a simple passenger that they refer to as “Jumping Jack.”  You will see why if you read the cartoon.

Btw, I wonder if the TSA allows thumbtacks on airplanes.  But if they do, they probably shouldn’t if Gralen and Jeddy are on the flight.



Door To Nowhere

Just in time for the start of school, when children’s thoughts turn to the anticipation of… the last day of school(I know mine did), here’s an old one about that dreaded school time event – a trip to the principal’s office.

I don’t remember the point, or the joke if there is one, of this cartoon.  It begins with Jeddy telling Gralen of the principal’s wish to see him, and then Jeddy gives Gralen a map to find said principal’s office.  This leads Gralen to a door which doesn’t go anywhere.

Either Jeddy was playing a prank on Gralen by giving him the wrong directions to the office, or I was being extra philosophical in my young age, equating a trip to the principal’s office as an expedition fraught with dangers and which will ultimately lead you no where.

Personally though, I believe the clue, and hence the joke, lies more in Jeddy’s statement to himself that he is “good at reading maps.”

Now, why a school would have a door that just leads to a vast space of “nothingness” is anybody’s guess.  But our taxes would still have to pay for it.


In Space, No One Can Hear You Laugh.

Which is probably a good thing in this case, or else people would think that Gralen and Jessy were a couple of rude buttheads.

But, as I stated in my previous post concerning my older cartoons(The Way Back Machine), a lot of the “punchlines” were simply the main character or characters laughing at the guest character’s predicament or…, the way that they talk.  They are certainly not trying to be rude.  They are like children, and when children see, or hear, something funny, they laugh.

If you take it as coming from a young boy with a weird imagination who grew up during a time when political correctness wasn’t even on the radar, maybe you can laugh along with him(and them).

Another thing you will notice about some of these older cartoons of mine, is that I used to make title pages for them(forgot I even did that) and would introduce the characters who were in that days cartoon.  Note that Jessy in this one is described as Gralen’s little brother instead of being Gralen’s son as in more recent episodes(already posted here).  The names would jump around with some characters , as you will see in future postings.  I think the only one who kept his name with his character was Gralen.  He was always the same dinosaur and always the lead.

And with that, here is “Moonlings“:

G&JMoonlings1Edit G&JMoonlings2Edit

The Way Back Machine

And I mean, way, way back.

Just when I thought I had already posted most of my old Gralen and Jeddy cartoons(except for the ones on the extra-big drawing pad that I still haven’t figured out how I am going to scan), my mother calls and tells me she has found another folder with more of my cartoons.

Most of these are even more crudely drawn than my other cartoons, and they usually consist of one character laughing at another character’s predicament, so I can safely say that most of these are older than the ones I have previously posted.  Probably early to mid 70’s, but I will have to ask my mother if she has any idea when I started drawing these, because I have no clue.

The first cartoon I am going to post is one whose joke I have used before, or rather, later, since this one is the earlier version.  But it has to do with the “telephone booth as mirage” trick that deserts like to play on unsuspecting dinosaurs. *See November 2013 post entitled, “Can you see me now?” to view the other similar cartoon*GralenMirageEdit