When Text Bubbles Attack!

Or, at least, when text bubbles burst.

I know, I know, I am not even going to talk about how long it has been since my last post.  But having a toddler son(and pre-teen daughter) really takes up a lot of time and energy.

Just ask poor Gralen here(nice segue, huh?), who in this comic strip is taking his son Jessy to task for his poor report card.  In fact, Gralen gets so worked up, that his text bubble overloads with words and he ends up with a deflated mass of criticisms on top of himself.

Btw, this is the first strip I’ve dug out of my papers that I noticed has the date of when it was made, Oct. 9, 1980.  Which I believe means I was in 8th grade when I did this one.   Hmmm, I wonder if that had anything to do with the topic of bad grades?!  Nah. 😉