It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Comic Strip

I love this one.  It is so silly and makes no sense whatsoever, but that is what makes it funny to me.

I have long forgotten what in the heck I was thinking when I drew it, or what joke I was trying to make in it.  You’ll notice that Gralen’s friend Galen is not a dinosaur in this one and is more ape-like, which is more appropriate since I “borrowed” his name from The Planet Of the Apes movies and series.

I also borrowed from that franchise for my imaginary friend, who was named “Galen” and was of course, a talking ape.  At times, and to the annoyance of my brothers, I would “become” Galen and walk around with my arms curled up like a praying mantis in front of me, talking about the world I came from until I sensed that they had had enough, then Galen would conveniently leave and I would return to… uh, normal.  Or as close as I could get to it.
