How dry I am.

Moving away temporarily from Gralen and Jeddy episodes to showcase another of my odd, random cartoons.  This one I did probably in the late 80’s to early 90’s.  It’s hard to tell because of my habit of not dating my cartoons.  Maybe I could have them carbon-dated to be sure, or maybe the amount of yellowing of the paper could unveil their age to someone who knows how to read that sort of thing.

Anyway, this cartoon continues the “hot summer” theme of my last posting.  I either drew this cartoon based on all the hot, summer nights I spent as a child(we didn’t have air conditioning.  Not that it didn’t exist, we just didn’t have it) as a way to bear it, or else I drew it to fondly remember those hot, summer days.

Since we lived in Wisconsin(and still do), it could very well be the latter.  Since summer here lasts only about 3 months.

In a good year.


If I were a rich dinosaur(or dog)

I have nothing against rich people.  Heck, sometimes I wish I was one of them.  I don’t besmirch any rich person.  Most rich people got that way by having an idea or dream, putting some hard work and/or savvy into  it, and taking some initiative to see that idea/dream through.  

Yes, some people got rich simply by being the heirs to their family’s hard work and initiative, so what?!  I say “Good for them” just as I do when someone hits it big on the lottery.  We all have different lots in life.  That’s… life.

Now, rich, snooty dogs are another story!  Who likes a Cardigan wearing, pipe-smoking, uppity dog who takes a leak on someone’s car and makes the car’s owner clean it off, as in the first cartoon?  

But come to think of it, there must be a whole lot of dogs feeling pretty high and mighty nowadays, what with having their owners follow behind them scooping up their “business”.  I guess this cartoon was a little ahead of its time.


The second cartoon deals with another puzzling aspect of this Gralen & Jeddy Comic Strip – and that is the number of talking dinosaurs seeming to roam around the world.  You would think that Gralen would be an anomaly, but apparently he has a number of relatives still roaming the planet, as evidenced by his rich cousin from Texas showing up at his door, unannounced.  I guess he wasn’t rich enough to own a cell phone.  Or else it, like everything else he had, was just too big to fit in his car.




Guess who’s going to the ball(it isn’t Cinderella)

This episode of Gralen & Jeddy went a long way for a joke.  A Loooonnnnnnggggggg way.  All the way to California, in fact.  

You’d also have to wonder how Gralen could afford to even buy a mansion in California(and why he would just to put on a party in the first place).

This was one of those episodes where I thought up a punch line, and then tried desperately to find a logical way to build up to it.   

I should have tried harder. 🙂Image

*In case you hadn’t noticed, I added captions under the panels since they were kind of hard to read.